HOW TO BUY A GUN ONLINE- If you reside in the United States and are legally allowed to own a firearm you can legally purchase it online from SA Sales, LLC aka
- In compliance with U.S. federal law, firearms purchased through SA Sales, LLC are shipped from us to a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) in your local area once we have validated your local FFL’s license and shipping location. Just contact your local dealer and have them email a copy of their signed FFL to us.
- Once you have found a local dealer willing to do the final transfer for you simply place your order on our web site, using the dealer as the ship to address.
- We ship all firearms via UPS or USPS only. We do not ship firearms or any other products outside of the United States.
- Once your local FFL receives the firearm, they will contact you to arrange for you to come to their location to receive the firearm after all federal, state, and local requirements are met. Most dealers charge a small fee, usually around $25-50 for handling the final transfer.
- If your FFL transferor determines that the firearm is not permitted in your local area after it has shipped or, for any reason, they cannot transfer the firearm to you, the FFL transferor will return the firearm to us and you will be issued a refund, minus shipping charges to/from your local dealer and restocking fee.